Userlytics – Is it Legit? – Full Review

userlytics full review

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Userlytics Rating


Userlytics and several firms had one goal in mind in 2007; revolutionize how to implement user tests. Back then, usability tests take months to prepare, draining away a company's most valuable resources; time and money. To change that, Userlytics offered remote user testing, allowing websites to gain valuable feedback from potential customers or users. Eventually, Userlytics became one of the most popular testing platforms for mobile apps and websites, helping brands determine whether or not their digital assets are good to go.

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A British Army officer from the Second World War once said, “Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed.”

In essence, that is the purpose of market research. Understanding the pulse of the public allows a brand to prepare for the market competition ahead.

That’s also why we have the opportunity to earn extra cash online, which brings us to another detailed analysis of a surprisingly popular research platform.

In this Userlytics review, we’ll determine once and for all if this is the holy grail of paid online user testing or if it’s just another slow-earning website we’ll eventually forget.

The Rating


An established user testing platform with around 2,000,000 participants worldwide and hundreds of clients from multiple industries. Userlytics is a great website to earn extra cash through quantitative and qualitative studies. Plus, you can have fun testing new features, apps, or websites while making money. If only the studies were widely available to all of its testers, this site could have earned the StansGigs’ stamp of approval and a five-star rating.

What is Userlytics?

Since its creation, Userlytics is now available in the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.

It’s also expanding its services to Southeast Asian countries and South Africa, but its main office remains at 1200 Bricket Avenue, Suite 1950, Miami, Florida.

If you’re from the US or Canada, you can call them for inquiries at +1 888 809 0047 or visit their website.

Is Userlytics Legit?

Being a testing service that evaluates the usability of other sites and applications, Userlytics did not disappoint.

The site looks professional, and you can quickly find almost everything you need to know from the homepage.

Most of the call-to-action buttons are for potential clients who may want to try their services.

Nonetheless, there’s one quick navigation button that says “Get Paid to Test” for interested participants.

However, the homepage lacks a navigation panel directing you to the available studies or test pool.

You’d have to register first before accessing this part of the platform.

I also looked for Userlytics reviews on different sites to see what other testers say about the service.

Here’s one review I found on Trustpilot.

“Userlytics is a good, legitimate way to earn side cash testing the usability of websites and apps. While I’ve had technical issues with their mobile app, their technical support is helpful and responsive.” (Marlene Sorra)

Its Trustpilot and Google Business pages have 4.6 and 4.0 ratings respectively, indicating the trustworthiness of this website.

Going over to Reddit, I found this brief review.

“I earn plenty of money on Userlytics, but it takes a while to get going, and you really have to knock the tests out of the park.” (u/genuinegirl67)

Considering all of these, I have more than enough reason to believe Userlytics is legit. It may just be one of the best testing websites out there.

However, judging from other Userlytics reviews, those who were able to complete one test are likely to receive more, while those who have just joined may have to wait for months before they receive a test invite.

Still, I don’t think it’s fair to label Userlytics as a scam because some people don’t get invites. That’s just how some user testing sites work.

How Does Userlytics Work?

Here’s what you must do to participate in a paid usability test from Userlytics.

Step 1: Sign Up

To access the Sign-Up Form, click the “Get Paid to Test” button at the navigation bar above. It should redirect you to this page.

Userlytics sighn up page review

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Next, click the “Start Earning” button and enter your email on the blank provided below.

Userlytics sign up page 2 review

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This will redirect you to a confirmation page informing you that they’ve sent details about user testing to your email.

Go to your Gmail account and look for Userlytics’ email. Be sure to do this within 24 hours because the link expires after one day.

If you confirm your email through the link, you instantly create an account on Userlytics.

Step 2: Account Configuration

Clicking on the link included in the email will redirect you to another page where you have to configure or set up your tester account.

userlytics configure account review

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Fill out the information on the form, and don’t forget to include your PayPal account email, as this is where you’ll receive payments for the tests.

The next page will ask where you currently reside. Choose your location from the dropdown options and tick the Terms and Conditions boxes.

Userlytics verify account review

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After entering all the necessary details, the page will redirect you to the Tester Login page. Just enter your email and the password you created earlier to access your dashboard.

Userlytics login page reeview

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Step 3: Wait for Test Invites

The next step is to wait for test invites. This part will most likely take a while because there are not many tests available on the website.

Userlytics dashboard review

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While waiting, I encourage you to click the “Qualify For More Tests” button on the navigation bar at the top of your dashboard.

This will redirect you to your Profile Page, where you can update your information, to match more tests.

There are two types of profiles on Userlytics, one is Basic, and the other is Advanced.

Your Advanced Profile is vital because some approved tests from Userlytics have very specific tester requirements.

Userlytics profile review

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Completing your profile increases your chances of participating in a user test.

Tester Requirements

Before you sign up, you must know that Userlytics have minimum benchmark requirements for their users.

It depends on what device you’re using the platform on. Here’s a quick overview.

Desktop computer/Laptop

  • Mac OSX 10.13 or above
  • Windows 7 or above
  • Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge (Latest versions)
  • Microphone
  • Webcam (Not always needed)


  • Android 8 or above
  • 4 GB RAM available space
  • At least 20% battery before starting
  • Internet Browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Microphone
  • Webcam (Not always needed)
  • Userlytics App (Downloadable from Google Play or App Store)

Mobile Phone

  • Android Oreo 9.0 or above
  • iPhone iOS 12 or above
  • Internet Browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Microphone
  • Webcam (Not always needed)
  • Userlytics App (Downloadable from Google Play or App Store)

How to Earn Money With Userlytics

This Userlytics review will not be complete if I don’t share how you can get paid from the platform.

Userlytics pays users for two types of tests; user testing and in-depth interviews. You earn online by providing feedback about your experiences on a website or app.

Here’s how these two differ.

Usability Tests

The first earning method from Userlytics is testing out a website or mobile app. Sometimes, Userlytics sends invites to participants, and they can take the test immediately.

Other times, they must answer a pre-qualifying survey before they can test the website or app and provide feedback.

Userlytics may also ask the tester to install a screen recorder on his/her computer so they can gather data more efficiently.

The instructions for taking the test depend on the Userlytics client, but the invitation will always include them.

Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully so you can participate in more tests and therefore earn more money.

Some of Userlytics tasks include:

  • Visiting the client’s homepage and registering an account on the website
  • Determining if the site works on a mobile device
  • Using a website’s search bar to look for a product and proceeding to the checkout page

You can earn between $5 to $15 for usability tests lasting 10 to 20 minutes long.

Provide Feedback in a One-on-One Interview

One-on-one interviews are more in-depth than user testing, meaning they also pay more for this type of test.

Instead of the Userlytics team, the site owners are usually the ones to conduct these interviews.

Its main purpose is to gather information about the website’s customer experience and whether or not the platform is user-friendly and easily navigatable.

They may ask you to join a call for these interviews, so ensure you’re in a well-lit, quiet place and that your front camera and external microphone are connected and working.

One-on-one interviews are less common than usability tests, but Userlytics pay higher for this type of test.

Some of Userlytics tasks under this category include:

  • Comparing a client’s website to a competitor’s
  • Providing feedback on a client’s advertisements
  • Answering additional questions

How much you’d get paid for one-on-one interviews depends on the client and how long the interviews go.

Nonetheless, they pay up to $90 for a 40-minute interview.

One major downside with Userlytics is the availability of the studies. There may not always be a test available.

If there is, this will most likely go to established testers who have been with Userlytics for years.

Nonetheless, I encourage you to sign up for this website and check your dash on the Userlytics platform occasionally.

Who knows? Maybe you’d be one of the lucky few.

Userlytics Alternatives

You may want to check other websites to earn extra money online while waiting for an opportunity at Userlytics.

1. Branded Surveys

Branded Surveys

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If you’re looking for a website with paid opportunities readily available, check out Branded Surveys, an established name in the GPT (get-paid-to) industry.

You earn points whenever you complete a survey, answer polls, or refer friends to the platform.

These points are convertible to PayPal cash and gift cards from famous brands like Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, and many more.

One point equals one cent, so 100 points equals $1. The points you earn per survey will depend on how long it is, but some can reach up to 250 points.

You can cash out as soon as you reach 500 points.

Click here to join Branded Surveys

2. Inbox Dollars

Inbox Dollars

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If user testing is not your thing and you like earning from mobile apps, check out InboxDollars.

The platform offers numerous ways to earn. You can complete surveys, play games, shop online, read emails, or buy groceries.

All of these otherwise mundane daily tasks you do every day will translate to easy money online.

The best part about InboxDollars is they don’t use a point system. Instead, you earn real cash for these online activities.

InboxDollars even offers a $5 bonus just for signing up! You can use the platform on a desktop or mobile device to earn on the go.

Click here to join InboxDollars

3. Trymata


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If you like getting paid for testing websites and applications, try Trymata.

Trymata is formerly known as TryMyUI, so don’t be confused if you find similar reviews mentioning any of these brands.

The platform will first ask you to take a trial test. The team will review your application, which can take three to seven days.

If they approve your application, you will receive emails asking you to participate in ongoing tests. You can also check the platform regularly to see if any test becomes available.

Most tests last 20 to 30 minutes, and the average pay per test is around $10. They send the payment every Friday, which amounts to all your accumulated tests.

Click here to join Trymata

Userlytics Review – The Verdict

If you’re a little tired or burnt out answering surveys, Userlytics offers a fun way of earning decent extra cash online.

You get to test a mobile app, new features on a website, or the entire website just before it goes online. The best part is you get paid to do it!

Unfortunately, earning opportunities in Userlytics are very limited, especially since some tests only need a handful of people.

Nonetheless, I still recommend Userlytics because the pay per test is significantly higher than you commonly receive from online surveys.

I advise signing up for other user testing platforms or paid online survey sites while waiting for an opportunity at Userlytics.

But as always, be a responsible participant; be honest with your responses, give value to the research, and don’t let these side hustles be your primary source of income.

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