Free Dewalt Tool Samples: How To Join the Dewalt Sampling Program

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There are simply times when inspiration strikes. It can take you by surprise: one moment you’re completely clueless, then you have this awesome project planned out the next.

I was just randomly scrolling through social media when my most recent idea hit me. I saw an ad for a cool-looking coffee table.

Needless to say, it was way over my budget. So I told myself: “Hey, I can do that.”

Bad idea. I spent more on power tools than if I’d bought the readymade piece instead. The worst part is that a badass, state-of-the-art jigsaw with a built-in laser guide and other attachments now lie in the dust of my garage.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s still awesome. But even I’ve got to admit that I’ve wasted money on that thing.

You can only imagine my dismay when I found out my friend got the same model for free. He wasn’t even that into sampling!

And so, here I am, with a mission to prevent you from making the same mistake. I will share with you how to get power tool samples provided by Dewalt, no less.

Why Is Dewalt Offering Free Tool Samples?

There are two main reasons why Dewalt is willing to invest that much in its sampling program. The first and more obvious reason is to encourage user-generated content online for marketing purposes.

The second reason is for their product research and development. If there are two things that Dewalt is known for, these are quality and innovation. The detailed reviews they get in exchange for sending out free tools are invaluable in improving their products further.

Where To Find Free Dewalt Tool Samples

There is only one place to get free Dewalt tool samples, and that’s directly from the company itself. It is not really that surprising given that Dewalt tools get manufactured fewer in number. They’re also sold higher in value than other product types like food, household cleaners, or most of the samples I feature here.

Aside from that, they want to ensure to give samples to only those deserving, namely customers who will surely make an effort to provide honest and detailed feedback. So here now lies the question: how can you get chosen for the Dewalt Sampling Community Program?

Membership is limited and on an invitation-only basis. It is a very exclusive club if you ask me. However, there are ways to give yourself an advantage.

How To Get Accepted Into the Dewalt Sampling Program

The first step is to be an active member of the Dewalt online community by posting quality reviews on their website. Plus points if you have shared your opinions about Stanley Black & Decker products in the past as well.

You might get tempted to post an overly glowing or scathing review to get yourself noticed. I recommend practicing some restraint.

Focus on what they want: an honest, well-thought-out review. A review that can help their customers and research and development team to gain more insight into their products.

Once you’ve proven yourself a worthy potential member, they will promptly send you an invitation via email. It will give you the next set of instructions to complete your registration.

Other Sources of Free Power Tool Samples

I know; it sounds like a lot of work for a sampling opportunity. Thus, those who are not as picky with their brand of power tools might want to look into the following sources instead.

You can also check out reputable sampling aggregators like Hometester Club or if they have any power tools available for you to test out for free.

My Savings

My Savings is a USA-based sampling aggregator run by moms but make no mistake. They really know how to hunt for good deals out there.

They also don’t have any biases on particular product types. Thus, their collection of offers also includes power tools.

In fact, they are currently offering a chance to receive Black & Decker products at the time of writing this article. You better be quick to grab this opportunity while you still can, though. Their samples tend to run out fast.


  • Multiple product types
  • Multiple brands
  • High-quality products and sample offers


  • Samples run out quickly

Stan’s Gigs

You can also check out my newest samples page. I make it a point to offer a wide variety of product types and manufacturers to choose from. And yes, that includes power tools as well.

What sets Stan’s Gigs apart from other aggregators out there is the guaranteed first dibs you’ll get by signing up to receive samples by mail. After all, I make it a point to make my samples exclusive to all my patrons.

Not yet a member of the Stan’s Gigs community? Don’t worry, the sign-up process is fast and easy.

I recommend subscribing to the newsletter as well. Availability on particular product types and brands vary so you might want to keep yourself updated, especially if you’re on the lookout for highly demanded products like power tools.


  • Exclusive offers
  • Multiple product types
  • Multiple brands
  • Newsletter available to receive updates


  • Availability on particular product types and brands may vary


Finally, here’s a company that doesn’t limit the people who can take part in their product sampling campaigns. They offer two membership options for their Craftsman Club program that you can both sign up for at no cost.

The free basic access membership option will allow you to get the latest updates on their deals as soon as they’re available and be a part of their product sampling campaigns.

On the other hand, the free full access membership option will give you all the benefits mentioned above. That is along with the chance to register your products for warranty updates and access further product and warranty information.


  • Reputable company
  • Never runs out of samples
  • Membership includes other benefits


  • Product types for sampling may not always be power tools

Final Thoughts

I have since received a couple of power tools for sampling. I am now planning my next DIY project, and this time, I am proud to say that I won’t be spending on tools. I already have what I need, and most of all, I’ve gotten them for free.

I can’t express how much creative freedom they’ve given me, along with the confidence to experiment, knowing that I won’t be putting my budget on the line. I can only hope that I was able to give you the same privilege through this article.

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Would love to be apart of dewalt tool samples

Michael Sparks

I love my Dewalt tools I’ve Been using them for about 30 years. I have 4 boys that also use Dewalt tools and love them. I do have 2 tools that don’t work any more but that took years to burn them up. My oldest Son for Christmas this last year bought a few for His younger Brothers. I’ve owned a few other brands but burned them up quickly. I must admit that going to the 20 volt really help the tools out, the 12 volt drill was one I burnt up the 18 volt was better but the 20 volt is really something else. I work 31/2 years in construction and Dewalt was the go to tool for our crew.




I love dewalt

Juan garcia

Hello I love free tools

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